Alpha 1.2

Hey everyone so some feedback I got from the first release was that it didn't feel like there was enough to do until your character got tired. I didn't want to give the character more stamina from the get-go as I wanted it to be like a regular Tamagotchi where you interact with it little by little throughout the day. So instead, I'm going to try and make some of the activities more interactive starting with the training. Instead of just selecting from a menu and it being done immediately you can now go and select how much weight and for how many reps your character can lift for, and the rewards vary depending on what you do. 

Content Updates

  • Added new training screen with new UI and sprites. Press the dumbbell icon to access it
  • New stat page for your character, right click while hovering over your character
  • New way to talk to your character, left click while hovering over your character 
  • Press escape to quit. Doing so will save your progress. Otherwise, your progress may not be saved. 

Known Issues

  • Extra load time between scenes (1-2 seconds)

Potential Issues

  • Mac build may have some issues with stability

Give it a try and let me know what you think, any bugs that you come across as well as what you'd like to see added next. (And maybe check out the development discord?)


Amazonian Scientist Simulator Alpha 1.2 33 MB
79 days ago
AmazonianScientistSimulator Alpha 1.2 56 MB
79 days ago

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how do you sleep?
you click on the icon but nothing happens


Keep it going, love to see where it will end up. Might be an idea to add some hair options.